
  • Unlocking Sustainability Success for Multifamily Housing

    Sustainability is crucial for multifamily housing companies as environmental concerns and regulations evolve. Partnering with ecofi provides the turnkey expertise and strategic advice needed to implement a comprehensive sustainability strategy, benefiting the environment, enhancing your company’s reputation, attracting tenants, and saving costs. Here are essential keys to unlocking sustainability success for multifamily housing, with ecofi […]

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  • Introducing ecofi: Redefining Sustainability in Real Estate

    Late last year, we unveiled our rebrand to ecofi, marking a pivotal moment in our journey toward redefining sustainability in the real estate industry. Response to the rebrand was overwhelmingly positive, affirming our belief in the importance of our mission. The one common theme was that our partners wanted to know more! In response to […]

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We’re on a mission to prove sustainability is good for business.